Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Amble Through the Vineyard

If you don't know this about my husband and me, we have bought many dilapidated structures over the years and spruced them up. I have the vision for the final results and he has the ability to demolish and re-build. We've made a great team and have worked really hard on each project. We're just about ready though to slow down and smell the roses. In the meantime, I switched places with him and took the wrecking ball to a painting I posted a few weeks ago! I up and tore down the cottage in the vineyard and re-aligned the plantings so that now it is easy to get out into the wide open spaces. I feel like walking right into my own painting and that is a fun feeling. It's still a real place out in the Anderson Valley and I could take you there if you have a hankering to see it.

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely piece. I especially like the veiled atmospheric effect in the background. The large tree is also very well done. Bravo!
